
Korakuen Garden, Okayama

Last month we were privelleged to have had the opportunity to do a little bit of sightseeing as a family. We decided to take a daytrip accross the Seto Bridge to the mainland and visit Korakuen Garden.

It was a glorious sunny day and thankfully the humidity wasn’t too bad. I was most excited about crossing the world’s largest two tier bridge. I had crossed it once but by train on the bottom tier, but going accross it from the top by car was a completely different experience.

I know I have mentioned that we live in front of the Seto Inland Sea but to see it in all its glory from the top of the Seto Bridge was something else. I only wish that there was a parking area on top of the 13.1km bridge so that you could stop and take it all in and some snaps to boot.

Our destination however, was Korakuen Garden in Okayama prefecture. It took us about 1.5hrs door to gate and was well worth the drive. The grass was so luscious and green and the air so fresh and clean.

There were a variety of plants and flowers on display and some gorgeous landscaping too. The thing that really struck me though was that the vast open spaces could also be viewed as being beautiful.

Takamatsu’s Ritsurin Garden is differen’t as it is more maze like and condensed which makes it more intruiging and mysterious. Korakuen Garden is just as pretty but is laid open in plain view for all to see.

I couldn’t say that one was better than the other, both a place of beauty, relaxation and enjoyment.


Korakuen 2 Korakuen 4 Korakuen 6


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